Graduating from university is an achievement to be proud of, and Kyoto University students don’t hold back in the celebrations!
While standard attire at Japanese university graduations includes suits, dresses, kimono, or other formal wear, graduates at Kyoto University throw tradition to the wind, opting for a different, more modern tradition of cosplay. A rather prestigious school, Kyoto University is ranked second in Japan, surpassed only by Tokyo University, so it makes sense that we can only expect the best from its graduates, and each year they deliver.
This year saw the likes of the Cat Bus from classic Studio Ghibli anime My Neighbor Totoro, the salmon-headed Sanrio character Kirimi-chan (who hopefully wasn’t denied entry again), as well as everyone’s *favorite* politician.▼ The Cat Bus makes Kyoto University’s graduation cuter than Tama Art University’s (which was visited by the Mad Max doof wagon). We’d love to see this kitty in action!
▼ There was also a really clever rendition of Egyptian god card Exodus from the anime/card game Yu-Gi-Oh!
▼ An uncharacteristically peppy San from Princess Mononoke… But then again, who wouldn’t be all smiles on such a day?
— SENSE KYOTO@永世七冠 (@KYOTO_SENSE) March 24, 2016
▼ That’s the second-best Donald Trump cosplay we’ve seen in Japan this spring.京大卒業式に来たつもりだったが...
— けんご (@k_gym_) March 24, 2016
Congratulations, graduates, and best of luck to you as you enter the real world!
Source: Culture LAB
Top image: Twitter/@mn7nn
More Japan graduation madness:
Mad Max’s Doof Wagon crashes college graduation in Tokyo 【Video】
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