Casey Baseel

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Casey Baseel spent his formative years staring in frustration at un-subtitled Japanese TV programming shown on Southern California’s international channel. Taking matters into his own hands, he moved to Tokyo to study the language, then found work in Yokohama a decade ago teaching, translating, and marketing hotels he can’t afford to stay in. When not participating in the eternal cycle of exercising to burn the calories form his love of Japanese food, Casey scours used comic and game shops for forgotten classics, drags his wife around the country in a quest to visit all its castles, sings karaoke not nearly as well as he thinks he does, and counts the days until the summertime bars open on Enoshima Beach.

Posted by Casey Baseel (Page 206)

One of video gaming’s greatest composers owes his name-recognition fame to his mom

The heartwarming tale of how Yuzo Koshiro became famous in an era when game developers worked in obscurity also has a Studio Ghibli connection.

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Brand-new Pokémon manhole covers have Sandshrew welcoming you to an often forgotten part of Japan

Region famous for its sand dunes gets beautiful public art pieces featuring more than a dozen different Pokémon species.

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No gender, photo, or first name – Japanese company makes major shakeup to job application forms

In Japan, looking for a job usually means snapping a photo, but not at this company.

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Fashion brand brings an anime aesthetic trick into the three-dimensional realm.

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You can help survivors of Japan’s 3.11 earthquake/tsunami in seconds with a quick Yahoo! search

Donations will be made for each person who runs a search for information about the tragedy, with funds helping farmers, students, and those suffering from depression and loneliness.

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Japanese government enacts mask resale ban, sets prison time penalty for violators

Ban replaces opportunity to make a profit with chance to end up behind bars.

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From beef bowl to beef pouch? Taste testing Yoshinoya’s instant gyudon packs

They supply the beef, you supply the bowl.
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Visiting Kyoto’s Pool of Blood — A ghost-hunting alternative to the city’s temples and shrines

Rumored to be haunted by multiple spirits and located near the grave of Emperor Saga.

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Edo Rice shows you what rice tasted like in the samurai era by continuing centuries of tradition

A Tokyo time trip for your taste buds.

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Gundam as god – Photo shows real-life giant anime robot getting deep respect

Fan’s theory also hold that famous anime robot’s merciful majesty will heal the people like Buddha.

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Two reasons seem to be causing dwindling supplies of self-loving support items.

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6 years of Pokémon anime, 13 years of One Piece manga free-to-watch/read online due to coronavirus

299 episodes of Pocket Monster adventures and 594 chapters of pirate voyages offered for free to keep Japan’s spirits up as people avoid going outside.

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Real-life Rurouni Kenshin reverse-blade sword to be displayed in Tokyo

The sakabato’s journey brings it to Japan’s eastern capital, just like the anime swordsman’s did.

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Thanks to the coronavirus over 450 manga volumes are now free to read online

With much of Japan’s population staying at home in order to stay safe, manga publishers want to help them stay happy and entertained too.

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Japanese cushion promises to turn video gamers into prisoners, make them happy about it【Photos】

Making handheld gaming captivatingly comfy.

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Awesome Japanese company wins Internet’s heart with its special coronavirus bonus for employees

Management finds 30,000 ways to say thank-you.

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A suggestive suggestion to shower more frequently.

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Japanese Twitter amazed to learn that cats can be used as on/off switches for desk lamps【Video】

Let there be (cat-activated) light!

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Samurai tradition stresses the importance of horse and rider as one, but this canine contest is completely for comedy.

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Japan’s letter-from-little-sister capsule toys become even more disturbing with new content

”Please believe me!” pleads little sister after possible death in the family, but you’ll want to stay on your guard.

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