Casey Baseel

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Casey Baseel spent his formative years staring in frustration at un-subtitled Japanese TV programming shown on Southern California’s international channel. Taking matters into his own hands, he moved to Tokyo to study the language, then found work in Yokohama a decade ago teaching, translating, and marketing hotels he can’t afford to stay in. When not participating in the eternal cycle of exercising to burn the calories form his love of Japanese food, Casey scours used comic and game shops for forgotten classics, drags his wife around the country in a quest to visit all its castles, sings karaoke not nearly as well as he thinks he does, and counts the days until the summertime bars open on Enoshima Beach.

Posted by Casey Baseel (Page 277)

We try “almost sea urchin” Cup Noodle, the latest chapter in instant ramen trickery【Taste test】

After the success of its mystery meat flavor, Cup Noodle turns its ingenuity to the sea and one of Japan’s most expensive ingredients.

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Japanese udon noodle-flavor tortilla chips are the latest delicious way to multi-task snack

Or, if you’re in the mood for something less crunchy, there’s the option of tempura soba-flavor popcorn.

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Japanese professor says women should NOT marry a guy who promises to help with the housework

Sure, it sounds nice, but critics say the deeper meaning behind his choice of words spells trouble ahead.

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The legend of tragically named pseudo-animator Shojiki Komata returns!

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Naked man found sitting inside locker at Japanese train station

And he didn’t pick a warm city to do it in, either.

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Man in Japan arrested for selling modified Super NES Classics with extra games, making 540 bucks

Tiny-scale operation for pint-sized retro console resales is still too big for Japanese police to look the other way.

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Cat cosplay collars form Japan turn your kitty into Sailor Moon in everything but name【Photos】

Obvious homage lets your pet dress up like a members of the anime’s cast other than its mentor cats.

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Final Fantasy’s designer drew a Cinderella picture book, and it’s amazing【Photos】

A gorgeous take on the character that’s worlds apart from the Disney version, and can be read in English or Japanese.

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Attack on Titan’s final, series-ending scene revealed by franchise creator

Manga artist Hajime Isayama shows that the last thing we’ll ever see in his manga stays true to a theme it’s had since the very start.

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Tokyo man arrested after telling woman he wanted to rub “just” her breasts

Limiting your forceful groping to just one part of the body is still plenty past what the law allows.
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Sexual harassment poster from Japanese government draws criticism for seemingly taking men’s side

Unless you read all the way to the bottom, the poster might look like it’s sending the wrong message.

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After being banned for ugliness, the Pikachu Donuts are back, but are they cute this time?

Is the final-version Pikachu Donut cuter before or after we cut its face in half?

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All 151 original Pokémon now available as Tokyo Pokémon Cafe latte art, and you choose your own

Plus, can’t decide between Pikachu and Eevee? Adorable combo plate means you don’t have to.

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Survey shows more Japanese married men, single Japanese women cheating on their romantic partners

Single men in their 30s least likely to be fooling around, but it’s a very different story for the older guys.

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Animator “Komata Shojiki” has his name in the credits, but that’s not actually a name.

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Japanese company trips – Workers “absolutely hate” them, so why do they still happen?

Your company is paying for you to take a pleasure trip! Awesome! You’ll be spending all weekend with your boss and coworkers! Not so awesome.

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9+3=12? Nope, that’s wrong, says Japanese kid’s elementary school, thanks to “cherry calculation”

Stupidly rigid rules dangle down to infuriate older brother.

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Female fast food worker in Japan has awesome response to male customers who called her ugly

After being called a “four,” she decided to kill her enemies with kindness…and potatoes.

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The mystery of live-action Pokémon movie Pikachu’s freaky-sounding German voice【Video】

A strange caper is afoot as Germany’s Detective Pikachu is heard sounding nothing like the Pokémon species is supposed to.

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This ISN’T what a US$100 Tokyo sushi lunch looks like. It’s what a US$200 one looks like!

An ordering mistake sends SoraNews24’s Mr. Sato soaring into the bliss of his most rarified lunch ever as he learns there’s one sushi restaurant where not all omakase are the same.

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