Casey Baseel

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Casey Baseel spent his formative years staring in frustration at un-subtitled Japanese TV programming shown on Southern California’s international channel. Taking matters into his own hands, he moved to Tokyo to study the language, then found work in Yokohama a decade ago teaching, translating, and marketing hotels he can’t afford to stay in. When not participating in the eternal cycle of exercising to burn the calories form his love of Japanese food, Casey scours used comic and game shops for forgotten classics, drags his wife around the country in a quest to visit all its castles, sings karaoke not nearly as well as he thinks he does, and counts the days until the summertime bars open on Enoshima Beach.

Posted by Casey Baseel (Page 282)

Is this common Japanese phrase for “goodbye” the reason for Japan’s crazy overtime hours?

When you’re leaving the office before your coworkers, you don’t tell them “Sayonara,” you tell them “I’m being rude.”

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Can you fight an entire pro wrestling match in Uniqlo stretch jeans? We find out【Photos】

Just another day in the office as P.K. and Go brawl in SoraNews24 headquarters.

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Aspiring anime voice actress is already fed up with one of its most common female tropes

English-language video sparks tweet in which she worries about pressure to “kill the person I am.”

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We try “Japan’s best-selling miso soup” and it melts the cold in our bones

A visit to the mushroom kingdom to see if 600,000 fans could possibly be wrong, and also to eat some amazing ramen.

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Cold Stone’s new mochi ice cream pops are packed with Japanese flavors like azuki and kuromitsu

New treats are exclusive to Japanese convenience stores and a compelling reason to keep eating frozen desserts even as the weather gets colder.

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Crazy cosplay team dresses up as Japan’s Shinkansen bullet train for an important reason【Videos】

Shrinking town wants its unique cosplayers to help put it on travelers’ maps.

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Japanese man punches cab driver after he refuses to drive friend who’d just pooped himself

71-year-old taxi driver’s nose was assaulted in multiple ways.

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Pikachu, other Pokémon recreate classic painting The Scream, have us squealing at their cuteness

New merchandise proves it’s impossible for the beloved Pocket Monster icon to not look cute.

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Investor expresses admiration for two of anime’s most iconic directors, has fans wondering if he’ll take inspiration from Evangelion or Gundam.

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What to do if you want to lower your apartment rent or avoid paying key money in Japan

And even if the owner won’t budge on the rent, you can still negotiate for some concessions that could save you a ton of cash.

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As usual, ice cream is the answer to our problems.

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It looks like a block of wood, but that’s one of Japanese cooking’s most important ingredients

Mr. Sato tries his hand at grating his own katsuobushi, and explains why you should too.

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In a country that always appreciates a nice chest, this sexy beast is the latest Internet star.

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One of Japan’s most popular confectioners creates the KFC apricot cheese tart Krushers dessert

We’ve been fans of this cheese tart specialist’s sweets for years, and now we’ve got a whole new way to enjoy them.

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Japan’s passport is the strongest in the world, study shows

No other travel document opens as many doors around the world as Japan’s passport just edges the number-tow nation.

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A rare case where it’s not Cinderella’s feet that everyone’s eyes are on.

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With its Inner Market closed down, we stop by Tsukiji to see how Tokyo’s sushi mecca is coping

Will the neighborhood with a name synonymous with delicious seafood survive following the opening of the city’s new fish market?

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Foreign traveler’s heart broken as he learns his image of Akihabara is too good to be true

Even in the biggest otaku mecca in the world, there’s a limit to how big the anime salutes are.

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Japan’s oldest Yoshinoya branch reopens in a new location: Tokyo’s brand-new Toyosu fish market

We stop by to taste the continuing tradition and take a sneak peek at the replacement for the world-famous Tsukiji market.

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Tokyo braces for potential rat infestation as Tsukiji fish market closes

Moving day has come and gone for the people and fish, so next it’s the landmark’s rat population that’ll be looking for a new home.

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