Casey Baseel

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Casey Baseel spent his formative years staring in frustration at un-subtitled Japanese TV programming shown on Southern California’s international channel. Taking matters into his own hands, he moved to Tokyo to study the language, then found work in Yokohama a decade ago teaching, translating, and marketing hotels he can’t afford to stay in. When not participating in the eternal cycle of exercising to burn the calories form his love of Japanese food, Casey scours used comic and game shops for forgotten classics, drags his wife around the country in a quest to visit all its castles, sings karaoke not nearly as well as he thinks he does, and counts the days until the summertime bars open on Enoshima Beach.

Posted by Casey Baseel (Page 285)

We just played Tokyo’s Metal Gear Real Infiltration Game, and it’s unbelievably awesome

11 things to know before playing the English-friendly real-life version of the hit video game.

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Court orders halt to cosplay rentals, payment of fine for copyright infringement.

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Mario’s friends and foes alike enchant the Internet as they fall under the enchantment of the Super Crown.

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Japanese company will tell your boss you’re quitting for you, sees high demand for its services

In work-till-you-drop Japan, company is coming to the aid of distraught employees who say “I want to die.”

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Spicy Mexican Flavor added to KFC Japan’s fried chicken lineup

The tri-nation crossover has our stomachs growling already.

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The amazing amateur cosplayers of Tokyo Game Show 2018【Photos】

They may not be being paid to be there, but these cosplay enthusiasts skills are anything but beginner-class.

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Artist exhibition, cosplay contest organized to honor the current ruling monarch of the fanart kingdom.

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Beautiful hotel on Japan’s northern island has frozen rooms, ice outdoor bath【Photos】

Hokkaido gets cold in the winter, and this hotel gets incredible.

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In Japan, you can now get issued an official license plate with adorable cat prints on it

Japan’s love of silly puns merges with its love of cute animal motifs.

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Japan’s famous Great Buddha of Kamakura, Shirakawa village grace beautiful new Coca-Cola bottles

Six new designs unveiled in continuing series that salutes Japan’s natural beauty and cultural legacy.

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Amazing fan artist creates anime-style trailer for Star Wars, designs for Rocky, Terminator, more

Hollywood blockbusters of the ‘80s and ‘90s look incredible when reimagined as anime from the same time period.

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Japanese town refuses to pay bear patrol hunting club as animals spotted on streets, at harbor【Vid】

”It’s like they’re saying the money is more important than our lives” says frustrated hunter.

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Japanese woman’s perfect answer when man calls her office and asks “What color are your panties?”

Since he had a question for her, she had a couple for him too.

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Pikachu and Eevee will give YOU hugs with these awesomely adorable new Pokémon pillows

The two Pokémon who get the most loving squeezes are ready to give you one right back.

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Want to French kiss anime Joan of Arc and drink her spit? New beverage lets you do just that

Free drink promoting new anime series has cleverly designed bottle that could become new way for otaku to express their love for their 2-D crushes.

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New Kirby Cafe opening in Tokyo is going to suck up all of our dinner plans【Photos】

The Nintendo character with the endless appetite is offering a full range of adorable edibles and exclusive merch.

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We head to Japan’s biggest electronic entertainment event to check out its incredible real-world visuals.

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Japanese eyeglasses are durable enough to withstand bouncing bar hostess butts, maker says【Video】

Tradition begun by actor Ken Watanabe continues.

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Japan has new sake Kit Kats produced by a 393-year-old Hyogo sake brewer

The latest collaboration between the chocolate snacks and the Japanese spirit is almost four centuries in the making and uses one of the highest classes of sake.

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Romantic moment in the air results in bride-to-be getting her wings clipped.

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