Casey Baseel

Born and raised in Los Angeles, Casey Baseel spent his formative years staring in frustration at un-subtitled Japanese TV programming shown on Southern California’s international channel. Taking matters into his own hands, he moved to Tokyo to study the language, then found work in Yokohama a decade ago teaching, translating, and marketing hotels he can’t afford to stay in. When not participating in the eternal cycle of exercising to burn the calories form his love of Japanese food, Casey scours used comic and game shops for forgotten classics, drags his wife around the country in a quest to visit all its castles, sings karaoke not nearly as well as he thinks he does, and counts the days until the summertime bars open on Enoshima Beach.

Posted by Casey Baseel (Page 291)

Japanese man complains about foreign languages on Tokyo train, Twitter drowns him in kindness

”This is Japan, you know?” he asks, but others want to show him the ways of the modern world.

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Is it legal to wear a facekini on the streets of Tokyo? Mr. Sato asks Tokyo Metropolitan Police

Eye-catching, face-obscuring fashion from China protects your skin from harsh UV rays, makes you look like a crazed criminal.

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Tokyo hotel asks guests to take their used toilet paper with them【Why Does Engrish Happen?】

Translation trouble strikes as hotel ends up making a very awkward request.

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Taste-testing Japan’s extra-expensive handmade Kit Kat Moleson line

At 500 yen (US$4.50) a stick, these are no ordinary Kit Kats.

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Subtle spookiness in Shinjuku isn’t promoting anything except fear in all who notice it.

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Following spring cancellation of Tokyo event, artist’s new exhibition shows that the concept still has legs.

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U.S. Marines perform Japan’s hottest dance craze, share video through official account【Video】

When the song’s chorus is “C’mon baby, America!” how can the Japan-stationed men and women of the United States Marine Corps not start dancing?

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Who needs tongs when you’ve got five perfectly-good, easily-burned fingers right there?

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Japanese designers’ brilliant way to stop people forgetting their smartphones in public restrooms

Browsing while pooping is an internationally loved pastime, so here’s a clever way to make sure you never leave your phone behind.

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Solo-traveling Japanese woman gets romantic pep talk from Hawaii immigration officer

When the airport employee found out she was in the islands alone, he gave her a tongue-in-cheek romantic worksheet to finish before heading home.

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Okayu bread is so easy that its creator made it by accident.

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Tokyo Tower Records store helps avert a wedding proposal disaster when it finds a lost love note

Klutziness can’t foil cupid’s plan, which is saved by clever employees.

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Winter wonderland makes a surprise appearance in the middle of August during Japan’s hottest summer ever.

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Torii gates always have an elegant allure, but none quite like this shrine’s.
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Japanese Internet sad to see the word “chikan” becoming commonly used in English

The country was proud when “emoji” and “anime” became part of English-speakers’ vocabulary. But when the British government uses the Japanese word for “train gropers?” Not so much.

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Anime voice actress is selling her used miniskirt…for US$690!

But she’s not interested in keeping the skirt or the money.

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These Pakistani students in Tokyo had never been to the beach, and that’s something we had to fix

We hit the coast with a group of international students for a day of sun, surf…and maybe romance?

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Tokyo company offers foot massages from cute VR anime girls, but given by real-life men【Photos】

Completely embracing that virtual reality and actual reality are two different things.

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Mysterious Japanese woman gives one million yen in cash to man she’s never met, then disappears

The money wasn’t meant for him, but the intended recipient has no clue who the woman is either.

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This restaurant’s US$0.45 sushi is an amazing way to expand your sushi horizons in Tokyo

More variety than we’d hoped for at far less than we’d ever expect to pay make this a great place to try types of sushi you’ve never had before.

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