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High-Tech Water Bottle Turns Cola into Colorless Liquid 【Video】

Apr 18, 2013

スクリーンショット 2013-04-17 6.40.10 PM

It’s the water bottle of the future! The OKO “advanced filtration water bottle” isn’t your average container for high quality H2O. It features a filtration system developed by NASA that’s so powerful it can filter cola into a clear, colorless liquid in seconds. Don’t believe us? Take a look at the video.

The OKO bottle is BPA free and includes a built-in three-level filtration system, the second of which was “originally developed through a NASA grant for space stations.” The bottles come in two different sizes: 550ml for 2,980 yen (US$30.40) and 650ml for 3,280 yen. Consumers can also choose from six different cap colors. Despite its high-tech origins, the OKO bottle is surprisingly inexpensive to use; filtering 550ml of water costs just 2.8 yen ($0.03), making it an economical alternative to purchasing bottled water.

Filtering water on the go is cool and all, but we’re most impressed by the OKO bottle’s magical power of turning cola into what looks like water. Hmm, what else can we filter into a colorless liquid and trick people into drinking…the possibilities are endless!

Source: Gadget Sokuhou

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