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You can’t miss this amazing footage of a diver swimming in harmony with a giant whale shark

Jul 22, 2016

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Have your breath taken away by this spectacular footage of a woman swimming with a whale shark in the Philippines.

This amazing video by GoPro Awards recipients Ocean Ramsey and Juan Oliphant shows us the graceful nature of the endangered whale shark. The stunning video really gives you a sense of the incredible size of the whale shark with shark biologist and shark diver Ocean Ramsey swimming right alongside the animal – her body is almost the size of one fin.

▼ Check out the gorgeous underwater video below.

We have to say that we are absolutely mesmerized by Ramsey gracefully dancing around the whale shark in a stunningly gorgeous underwater performance. Choreographed with a beautiful soundtrack by Waterstrider (“black blood”) this video is guaranteed to calm the soul.

This footage is part of Ramsey’s research project where she is documenting the migrating populations of whale sharks in the Philippines. This video is said to be part of an effort to draw attention to declining whale shark populations, which are at “an all-time low due to finning, fishing by catch, entanglement, speedboat prop collisions, and death by ingestion of floating debris”.

You can learn more about the plight of the whale shark at

I don’t know about you but this video really makes me want to get out and start diving – although I’m sure that water isn’t as warm as it looks!

Source: kotaro269, YouTube/GoPro
Images: YouTube/GoPro

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