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Go Fly a Kite?! Not Any More! With Homekite You Can Stay Right Where You Are

Dec 15, 2012

Picture the typical family, if you will. One Sunday afternoon, Junior runs into the den and asks Pa to go kite-flying together.  “Not today, Junior”, said Pa, “It’s just not windy enough.”

Junior walks back to his room and plays Grand Theft Auto, sullenly killing policemen with a sniper rifle.  Even though he got 15 headshots in a row, his heart just wasn’t in it.  Once again Mother Nature had ruined his true passion – kites.

This tragic scene plays out in homes across the kite-loving world.  So the brain trust at Takara Tomy came up with Homekite, the first (I’m guessing) kite to be used in the home.

No longer are we slaves to the seemingly random changes in air temperatures that generate winds. Now we can make our own, thanks to technology.

That’s right: harnessing the awesome power of cranks and propellers, Homekite makes its own adjustable wind.

By turning the crank you create a mild electrical current. The current travels up a wire which also acts as a kite string and powers the fan.  Your cranking speed will determine how high the kite goes, with a maximum altitude of up to 150cm.

The kite comes in four designs; Blue Dragon, Flame Red, Phoenix Orange, and Military Green.  Each kite will go on sale next year as of 28 February for 2,940 yen (US$35) each.

Thanks to Homekite, we no longer have to go all the way to a lush green park or beach on a warm summer’s day to enjoy kites.  Now we can do it right from our living room and freak our pets right out!

Source: Takara Tomy via IT Media (Japanese)

“Easy to assemble”

“Crank the generator…”

“Without wind it easy flies in your home!”

“When not flying it can also be a stylish decoration!”

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