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Final homework assignment from dearly departed teacher will bring you to tears

Oct 1, 2013

last hw01

Death is indeed the final departure, but that does not mean that the echoes of our lives can’t have some lasting effects on the lives of those who survive us. One Japanese school teacher understood that he was nearing the end of his time on earth and did what he could to dispel the certain grief of his beloved students the only way he knew how. He gave them one last homework assignment.

Here’s a translation of the assignment as pictured above:

Final homework assignment
No due date

Please be happy.

By the time you are ready to turn in this assignment, I will probably be in heaven.
Don’t rush your report. Feel free to take your time.
But someday, please turn to me and say “I did it. I’ve become happy.”
I’ll be waiting.

According to the Twitter post that shared this heartwarming homework assignment, the teacher who gave it has since passed away, but what an awesome impression to leave on the students that he must have cared for so very much. Now, please excuse me while I find a fresh box of tissues. These tears refuse to stop.

Source: Ajajashita (Japanese)
Image: kandoh_hanashi on Twitter

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