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Hey you, we’re at E3 RIGHT NOW! (Don’t forget to vote!)

Jun 9, 2014


This year’s E3 trade show, or Electronic Entertainment Expo 2014 to give it its full name, is now just hours away. E3 2013 was one of the most memorable in show history, with Microsoft and Sony both pushing their new consoles in our faces like fame-obsessed parents trying to live vicariously through their grotesquely made-up offspring. This year, though, should be all about the games. And we’re excited.

The exhibitors are just about ready to roll, and our RocketNews24 reporters are already checked in and ready to watch, play, gasp, snap, and write like maniacs. We’re hoping to bring you the biggest stories from the show, but also to go a little more hands-on and give our honest opinions about the games and hardware we see, so be sure to vote or leave a comment to let us know what you’re itching to hear more about.

The show gets underway in roughly 12 hours, with Microsoft set to take the stage first, but in the meantime here are a few cheeky photos taken outside the venue to whet your appetite. See you soon, E3!

▼ Nvidia setting up under the blue LA sky. Wait a minute, is that…

▼ Yup, that’s an enormous titan!

▼ Sony looks to be taking an aggressive stance this year too…

▼Just a guess, but we think we’ll be seeing a bit of Mortal Kombat X at the show.

Will Microsoft wow us with some incredible new game footage tomorrow? Will Nintendo pull something cool out of the bag to win back some of its fans? Will Sony let us play with its virtual reality hardware? Let your imagination run wild in the comments section below! Personally, I’m still hoping for Nintendo to reveal some amazing Wunderbox combining all of its past consoles in one tiny, portable cube that offers 100% digital content and streaming services of all its past hits. But then again I’m a delusional Nintendo fanboy and never seem to learn when Iwata and friends hurt me…

Photos: RocketNews24/Khoa Dinh

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