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Sanji has a last name?!? One Piece mangaka focusing on “Black Legs” in upcoming chapters

Jan 20, 2016

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We thought Sanji was like Prince, Usher or Madonna. Turns out we were wrong.

After 800+ chapters of One Piece, you would think most of Luffy’s crew would be known quantities. This isn’t necessarily true for Sanji, the popular chef character.

Sanji has always been simply known as “Sanji”, until chapter 812 where it was revealed that Sanji is the third son of the Vinsmoke family—and that he is to be married to Purin, the 35th daughter of the Charlotte family, no less.

▼ Sanji can be seen here displaying the same face many show when confronted with marriage.

Until now, Sanji’s backstory consisted of a few minor details, like his separation from his family when his ship was attacked by the Cook Pirates. After his life was saved by their captain, he joined that crew to become a sous chef. His “under” training lasted for 10 years until he met Luffy and joined the Straw Hat Pirates to fulfill his dream of finding the All Blue.

Sanji’s future bride is also a mystery, but the Charlotte family has one notable member, Linlin Charlotte, or “Big Mom” who has made a number of appearances since the Battle of Marineford.

It will be great to see where this plot takes the One Piece characters, especially since Sanji has been noticeably absent from the series for a long time. Who knows what other crazy secrets writer Eiichiro Oda is holding back from the fans. He has to fill up that 10 years‘ worth of leftover story somehow. However, if what he has planned is even half as good as the story so far, fans will be uttering the prayer, “In Oda we trust.”

Source: Yaraon Blog
H/T: Anime News Network
Featured Image: Flickr/Antonio Tajuelo

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