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Korean ad “Touch is…” reminds us of the importance of physical contact【Video】

Feb 10, 2016

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This Korean commercial is genuinely heartwarming and cute. 

In a world dominated by technology that connects the entire world and allows us to communicate in an instant, it’s welcoming to see a commercial that reminds us of the people who are within our range of touch. Human contact is an often overlooked method of communication, but there are so many different feelings and emotions that can be conveyed with it.

With this video, Korea’s greatest cosmetics company created a feel-good commercial for their Happy Bath lotion that will definitely get people talking about what “touch” means.

If you can’t watch the video, each scene is set up with the words, “touch is”, followed by another word.

The commercial shows that a simple act of touch can transmit a number of feelings to another person and often conveys the message even more directly than words ever could.

Oh, and remember that Happybath Amorepacific is here to sell lotion and that nobody likes being touched by dry, scratchy skin. So do your loved ones a favor, moisturize before you need to touch them.

Source: YouTube/Happybath Amorepacific h/t AOL News
Top Image: YouTube/Happybath Amorepacific

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