
McDonald’s Japan’s new Touch manga collab: Does it really capture the bittersweet taste of youth?

Fried chicken and a hugely popular high school baseball series is a surprise collaboration we never saw coming.

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McDonald’s teams up with Touch manga for burgers that capture the bittersweet taste of youth

Hugely popular high school baseball series adds some spice to the chain’s chicken burgers in Japan.

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Korean ad “Touch is…” reminds us of the importance of physical contact【Video】

This Korean commercial is genuinely heartwarming and cute. 

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Japanese Windows 8 Promotion Misleads Many to Think their Monitor will Magically Become Touch Screens

When I saw some early images of the new Windows 8 desktop, I wasn’t crazy about the change in appearance.  It looked fine for a tablet device or smartphone but those new windows/buttons seemed too clunky and primitive for my liking.

But then again, maybe I just don’t like change and after using it, it’d grow on me.  However, this new layout combined with some ambiguous promotion has led many in Japan to believe that it suddenly transforms your regular old computer monitor into a touch screen.

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