Every day leading up to Ninja Day (February 22), Koka City public servants will come to work dressed as the secretive badasses!
We were pretty hyped about Ninja Day last February, and we have to say we’re no less pleased to see Koka City’s hard-working public workers dressed in their best medieval assassin clothes this year! The office workers apparently started dressing up earlier this week and will continue through until the 22, the official Ninja Day.
A public office full of ninjas typing away on their computers and handling inquiries from the public is obviously an unusual sight, so a number of TV crews made their way to Koka to capture video of these elusive warriors/city employees in their natural habitat. Check out one video below!
As you may already know, February 22 is Ninja Day thanks to a Japanese pun — the word for “two” is “ni,” which, as you may have noticed, is how “ninja” starts! So, February 22 is, for the sake of fun and tourism, read as “nin gatsu nin nin nichi,” which is simply a mouth full of “ni!”
▼ A sign is displayed at the city office, probably to keep residents from thinking they’ve been invaded by time-traveling ninja warriors.
In addition to city employees playing dress up at work — the best place to play dress up, by the way — there will also be a ninja revival festival on the 21, featuring some ninja-related events, including ninja food. We’re not sure what counts as “ninja food,” but hopefully there’s no blow fish toxin involved…
And if you’re on the fence about visiting Koka City and all their historical (and possibly not entirely historical) sites, this terrible-and-yet-somehow-incredible PR video should certainly convince you to pack your bags!
Event Information
Address: Shinobi no Sato Plala 600 Konancho Ryuboshi, Koka, Shiga, Japan 520-3311
〒520-3311 滋賀県甲賀市甲南町竜法師600 忍の里 プララ
(Google Maps)
Hours: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sunday, February 22
Sources: YouTube/SankeiNews, Asahi Shinbun, Koka-ryu Ninja (Koka City Office)
Featured image: YouTube/SankeiNews