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Otterly adorable otters are here to make your day【Photos】

Jun 20, 2016

otters 1

You otter stop what you’re doing and check these out. You’ll thank us later.

There are a few animals that are just so darned cute from babies all the way to full grown adults. Near the top of that list has to be the otter. Furry and long, with an adorably round face, otters fill us with so much glee that they are the perfect break during a long work week. We’ve gathered 10 of our favorite to share with you. You definitely won’t be disappointed.

▼ You might be using that wrong, little otter!

▼ Ready for my reeeeeal close up.

▼ “Hold up, I’m going down that???”

▼ Completely enjoying the sun’s rays

▼ A snack on your back gets you on the right track!

▼ Babies!!!

▼ Just…can’t…even…

▼ Keep it together, keep it together, keep it together.

▼ Gotcha, otter!

▼ For me or for you?

Were you able to make it through the otters without going “aww”? Now you know exactly where to turn the next time you need a pick me up. Otter animals just won’t do the trick!

Source: CuRAZY
Top image: Twitter/@hirakawazoo

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