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“All the World Has Been Waiting For You, Goku!” Fans Ecstatic Over News of New Dragon Ball Animated Film

Aug 10, 2012

We reported previously on a mystery countdown taking place on the website of the Weekly Shonen Jump magazine, which hinted that the popular manga “Dragon Ball” may be making a come back on the magazine. Well, fans of the manga can rejoice! We’ve found out that Dragon Ball is indeed coming back, although not to the Jump magazine, but as a new feature length animated film!

Yes, our hero Goku is coming back! The new Dragon Ball Z movie is scheduled for release on March 30th, 2013. Believe it or not, it will have been be 17 years since the last Dragon Ball Z movie was released.

Naturally, the new movie is bound to attract a huge amount of attention. The creator of the Dragon Ball series, Akira Toriyama, seems quite excited about this new addition to the series, and he has made the following comment on the movie’s official website:

(Comment by Akira Toriyama)
“This is actually the first time I’m getting involved in animation production from the scriptwriting stages. It has been a while, so there were many things that I’d forgotten, but as the original creator, I was soon able to get back in to the rhythm of things. In this movie, we’ll keep the original feeling of the series, but also add a little bit of modern flavor, and it should be good fun and entertainment, just like old times!” (Comment taken from the movie website)

With the anime version of Dragon Ball having been shown in over 40 countries around the world, it’s not surprising that internet viewers all over the world are excited about this news. Here are some of the comments that have been posted in response to the trailer video of the movie. It’s interesting to note that many more comments have actually been posted from overseas than from within Japan.

(Comments from internet viewers)
“Goku is back! Thank you so much, Mr. Toriyama!” (Viewer from Columbia)
“OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG!!” (Brazil)
“Our savior is back!” (USA)
“At first, I thought, oh no, not another live-action film version of Dragon Ball, but when I saw the close-up of Goku’s face, I got so excited, it gave me goosebumps, and the next thing I know, I was screaming like a girl.” (USA)
“Goku is my HERO!” (Brazil)
“Hooraaay!!!!!!” (Argentina)
“(Spoiler Alert) Krillin dies in this movie.” (Serbia)
“My chi (life force) has been increasing dramatically since seeing this video.” (Mexico)
“Wow, this is the way a Dragon Ball movie should be made!” (Chile)
“Okay, I am so physically ready to see this movie!” (Germany)
“Please click the “Vote Up” button if you got goose bumps seeing the close-up of Goku’s face! I can’t wait for the movie to be released! ” (Unknown country; this comment received 28 votes up.)
“(Spoiler Alert) Yamcha is seriously weak in this movie.” (USA)
“I turned into a Super Saiyan after seeing this video!” (Vietnam)
“OMG! This is going to be the best movie! Ever!” (Norway)
“The happiest 37 seconds I’ve experienced so far this year!” (Chile; the 37 seconds refers to the length of the trailer.)

Judging from the response over the internet, it doesn’t look like it would be too much of an exaggeration to say that people around the world really have been waiting for the return of Dragon Ball. I’m sure fans are dying to find out what kind of story and epic battles will unfold in the movie – you ‘re all probably anxious to see Goku on the screen again and shout “Ka-me-ha-me-ha!!!” together. But we can wait a little while longer, can’t we? We’ve waited 17 years, after all, and I’m sure Mr. Toriyama will make it worth the wait!

Original article by: Daiichiro Tashiro

Source: YouTube
Dragon Ball Z Movie Official website

▼The Trailer of the New Dragon Ball Z Movie

▼And this is the comment by AKira Toriyama, translated in the article above to English

[ Read in Japanese ]

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