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Watch this Adorable Video of a Shiba Inu Taking a Bath (Rubber Duckies Included)

Mar 12, 2013

What a good old dog. Just soaking away in the tub with her rubber duckies. This little shiba inu is named Kinako and she loves taking baths. Since Kinako is an older doggie, her skin get irritated from time to time, so she enjoys taking a relaxing dip in the bathtub every night. The following video is a minute and a half of Kinako smiling in the tub.  But really, Kinako’s snow-white face peeking out of the water is so cute, that’s really all you need.

Now if I tried this with my 75-lb golden retriever, not only would I not be able to take an adorable video, but all of the little rubber duckies would be eaten, the bath water would be all over the floor, and a high speed chase down the hallway ending with me sliding across the floor would ensue. Sigh, at least I have this video to watch.

Source: Kotaro (Japanese)

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