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We Made Coca-Cola Transparent and Colorless. It Tastes Like…

Apr 21, 2013


The OKO is an “advanced filtration water bottle” that features a filtration system developed by NASA. It’s so powerful that the makers claim it can filter cola into transparent, colorless liquid. The original promotional video is pretty convincing, but there were plenty of people on the internet crying foul. How can this mere water bottle turn dark brown cola into what appears to be water?

We here at RocketNews24 knew what we had to do: go on a quest for this magical bottle and try it out ourselves. Ladies and gentlemen, we have indeed succeeded in turning cola into transparent, colorless liquid. It looked good enough to drink, but as we held the liquid to our quivering lips, we could only image what it might taste like.

Let’s rewind and start from the beginning. Here’s a retelling of our reporter’s dabble in sorcery:

I hurriedly ordered an OKO water bottle from the internet. The wait for it to be delivered was excruciating. When it finally came, I followed the instructions and first filtered an entire bottle’s worth of water. I anxiously watched as the last drop of water turned into…better water.

Then it was on to the main event. I eagerly poured cola into the bottle, screwed on the cap, inverted the entire container, and…IT’S CLEAR!!! The bottle actually turned cola into water! Or so I thought.

The first streams of liquid were completely colorless, but became tinged with brown as I continued to pour. I was a little disappointed that it wasn’t completely colorless, but pressed on.

It was finally time to taste the magical concoction. I took a sip and was again disappointed to find that it wasn’t tasteless. It actually just tasted like sugar water. It was also no longer carbonated, but there was a lingering hint of cola. The filtered cola definitely didn’t taste bad, but that’s some pretty expensive muddy sugar water. Filtered Pepsi and Dr. Pepper yielded the same results.

So in conclusion, the OKO water bottle is able to filter cola into a nearly colorless liquid that tastes like sugar water. We’re guessing the OKO can filter other dark liquids into diluted versions… maybe soy sauce can be reduced to semi-clear, salty liquid. Hmm…

Stay tuned for an update!


[ Read in Japanese ]

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