Said to be like “spending a pleasant Sunday,” Weekly Shonen Sunday is one of the top three manga publications in Japan. With a weekly circulation of one million copies, Weekly Shonen Sunday has featured many noted manga artists. But their newest contributor is relatively unknown in the manga community and surprisingly young.
Sabanoneko is in her first year of high school in Hiroshima Prefecture. Deemed a manga prodigy, she won Shonen Weekly Sunday’s Rookie of the Year award for the powerful expression of emotion in her work, Oni-Hime.
The story spans 40 pages and follows the protagonist, Oni-Hime, a name that incorporates the Chinese characters “demon” and “princess.” Out to avenge her father’s death and determined to exterminate all demons, the story starts with Oni-Hime’s chance encounter with a certain demon.
Finishing just before her 16th birthday, Sabanoneko’s work was published in volume 43 of Shonen Weekly Sunday and has received critical acclaim from influential manga artists.
If you weren’t able to pick up a copy, you can read Oni-Hime for free on the Club Sunday site. The work is only available in Japanese, but those who can’t read kanji can still admire Sabanoneko’s artwork and the unbelievable skill she possesses.
Source: IT Media
Images: Club Page