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Japanese netizens react to Action Movie Kid on YouTube

Apr 7, 2014

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One of the worst things about being an adult is not getting to play pretend anymore–or, at the very least, getting angry looks from grumpy old neighbors when you do. Your boss is almost guaranteed not to be amused by you shouting, “The floor is lava!” and then leaping onto your desk. We suppose that’s the best reason to have a kid–no one will complain about you playing pretend with your son or daughter!

Well, one parent has taken their pretend playing with their kid to an entirely different dimension. Thanks to computer graphics skills honed through working at freaking DreamWorks, this guy has made his son’s pretend play into reality and wowed netizens across Japan while doing so.

Filmed and digitally enhanced by Daniel Hashimoto, a DreamWorks digital animator, and staring his three-year-old son James, the videos are already a hit around the web, which is no surprise. Professional, imaginative, and adorable, the videos are what can only be described as “cinematic perfection,” if you ask us.

Japanese Internet users, obviously, agreed, because no one can see these videos and not be blown away by the quality of the work and the sheer joy on James’s face. That kid will either be an evil genius when he grows up or one of the greatest directors in history. Here’s to hoping he likes cinema more than conquering countries!

And now, here are some of the videos and Japanese commenter’s reactions.

▼”I couldn’t figure out what the effect was with the Water Gun video. Then I rewatched it. Wow!”

▼”This is too amazing! I had to laugh!”

▼Here’s a comment with a quick Japanese lesson for you: “Oyabaka dane!”
It doesn’t mean the father is stupid–“oyabaka” means “doting parent.”
So this commenters is just saying, “Such a doting parent!”

▼”He’s made so many of these! He really loves his kid!”

▼”Amazing! I wonder how many days it took to make this!”
[Editor’s note: Apparently it takes about 12 hours of processing for one video.]

▼”The lightsaber doesn’t just come out, it cuts through the shelf?! LOLOL!”

▼”When he grows up, he’s going to be like, ‘When I was kid, I remember
flying through the sky and, like, using magic.’ I can’t imagine what kind of adult
he’ll become. It’s a mixture of anxiety and pure fun.

These videos are just too adorable. We might have enjoyed the home videos our parents insisted on taking a lot more if they were this much fun! Although, we have to say, now we kind of hate this Daniel Hashimoto. He’s raised the bar for parenting waaaaaay too high! Come on, man, give us a little room to shine, please!

Sources: International Business Times, Itai News, CG Tracking
Images: YouTube (1, 2)

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