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McDonald’s Japan’s new Avocado Beef, Chicken, and Shrimp burgers look surprisingly good

Apr 17, 2014

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Regular readers will know that we at RocketNews24 are no strangers to fast food. When you’re based in one of the biggest, most convenient cities in the world and spend the majority of your day online with instant access to more information than your ancestors probably had in their entire lifetimes, you tend to lose the ability to concentrate long enough to prepare a real meal, and it’s easy to give in to the greasy and syrup-topped temptations that wink at you from the branches of McDonald’s and Starbucks located on every other street corner.

We’re not exactly proud of the amount of junk food we shovel into our faces under the pretences of journalism and science, and certainly don’t recommend that any of our dear readers attempt to replicate our own Mr. Sato’s adventures in Cholesterol Land, but we have to admit that McDonald’s Japan’s new Avocado Beef, Avocado Chicken, and Avocado Shrimp burgers actually look pretty good.

Set to go on sale all over Japan from April 17, the beef, chicken, and shrimp burgers will retail for 399 yen (US$3.90) each.

▼ The chicken (left) and shrimp (right) burgers

The Avocado Beef burger comes with sliced onion, chunks of avocado, a slice of cheddar cheese, and a dollop of wasabi sauce, all topped off with two rashers of bacon. The other two, as well as swapping their main ingredients for chicken or shrimp, respectively, are served with avocado and spicy cobb salad sauce, with the chicken sandwich also receiving a cheeky slice of cheddar.

All three of the new creations are sandwiched between slices of floury ciabatta bread — itself a genuine step up from the usual limp McBuns, in this writer’s humble opinion.

We can’t comment on the quality of the included ingredients themselves, but these burgers definitely look pretty good in their promotional snaps, and it’s nice to such big chunks of a healthy fruit like avocado (no, really, it’s a fruit) in a fast food offering, so we’ll be sure to check them out – you know, for science – as soon as they become available.

Source: Entabe (Japanese)

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