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The Rice Cube — tasty-looking appetizers made fun and easy!!

Apr 24, 2014

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Let’s face it, being a responsible adult can be a challenge. You’re expected to show up at work each day looking decent (thank god for make-up), somehow keep your home always looking half-way presentable and even be able to whip up stylish looking snacks and appetizers in no time at all when you’re having friends over, right?

Well, if you’re having particular difficulty with that last bit, and you’re tired of serving the same old chips and dip at get-togethers, then this little gadget that the wonderful reporters at our sister site Pouch recently found just may be a godsend. That’s right, folks, it’s the Rice Cube to the rescue!

Yes, this contraption could indeed be exactly what you need if you want to surprise your family or friends with a fabulously unique snack or starter. Available from the UK site Firebox, the Rice Cube lets you make adorable little square sushi. And it’s apparently quite simple too. All you have to do is put in the rice and whatever other ingredients you like and compress to squeeze everything together into a cube, so it doesn’t require any special skills.

The best part is that the Rice Cube, despite its name, can be used with many different ingredients other than rice, such as cheese or potatoes  to create a wide range of snacks and even desserts. This means that  you can be quite creative with the appearance and color of the resulting cubes and  feel like you’re making food art in the process — your culinary imagination is basically the limit. We’re quite sure it can also be a whole lot of fun for kids as well.

▼ You can create cubes of flavored sautéed rice or different kinds of mixed rice and place small pieces of boiled eggs or avocados to make them look colorful and stylish.

▼ You can use ingredients with different colors and textures to create a cube that looks pretty from the side too.

The Rice Cube is priced at £9.99 (US$17), and Firebox apparently offers international shipping, so if you need something fun to liven up the food offering at your next party, then you may want to check the site out. We hope you enjoy creating, looking at and tasting your own unique edible cubes!

Source: Firebox
Original article by Anji Tabata (c)Pouch

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