With the Japanese national team’s hopes of winning the World Cup championship dashed far too early this year. Japan’s soccer fans were left with mere scraps of enjoyment they once had in the tournament. Luckily though, every World Cup has its ancillary breakout star.
Last time, we saw the mystical talents of Paul the Octopus, and now the world finds itself staring in wonder at the phenomenon Japan has dubbed Adios Ojisan (Adios Guy). For those not familiar, Adios Ojisan was a guy in the audience of the Chile/Spain match (among others) holding up an iPad which read “Adios Spana.”
And so, with Team Japan out of the running, let us enjoy some highlights from the Adios Spana Photoshop Championship currently being held on Twitter!
Doctored images of Adios Ojisan have been coming in fast and furious but we are hard at work to bring you the latest.
"@DistortedOne: さっきの逆再生版。
こっちの方がユニバース感あるかも(ない)#AdiosEspana #ADIOSSPANAクソコラ選手権 pic.twitter.com/n19mE115V5"次は回してみてください!— 空飛ぶんだよな、Belkaの海豚が! (@Belka_Dolphin) June 19, 2014
似てると思ったんだけど #ADIOSSPANAクソコラ選手権 pic.twitter.com/On94Vqkyea
— sts (@sts11664) June 19, 2014
遅刻しました#ADIOSSPANAクソコラ選手権 pic.twitter.com/UEfmEYferm
— 灰汁 (@akuku_11) June 19, 2014
#ADIOSSPANAクソコラ選手権 #GHOST_IN_THE_SHELL pic.twitter.com/qGtyGXsrf7
— 憲法ちゃん⚡️🌘(台湾🇹🇼がんばれ!) (@kempo_chang) June 19, 2014
#ADIOSSPANAクソコラ選手権 pic.twitter.com/JYTwkauYwH
— アフロん (@Afrooooong) June 19, 2014
みんな大好きヒラリー#ADIOSSPANAクソコラ選手権 pic.twitter.com/fTXCYtrXRi
— 無い@今日もどこかで遊び人 (@nai_Pace_e_Bene) June 18, 2014
▼ Whoops! Forgot to clear his history that time.
あぁ^~心がぴょんぴょんするんじゃ^~#ADIOSSPANAクソコラ選手権 pic.twitter.com/K4oXYle1n4
— 甘智栗 (@b_mist_dropout) June 19, 2014
#ADIOSSPANAクソコラ選手権 #MH4 は解像度がショボいからコラし辛いわ。 pic.twitter.com/dhRsnduVMM
— アフロん (@Afrooooong) June 19, 2014
▼ And we have a twofer!
#ADIOSSPANAクソコラ選手権 #NAGATOMO pic.twitter.com/qI7uuQax5D
— 憲法ちゃん⚡️🌘(台湾🇹🇼がんばれ!) (@kempo_chang) June 19, 2014
僕がやらなきゃ(使命感) #ADIOSSPANAクソコラ選手権 pic.twitter.com/V8h00poqZl
— 周防ギアクル (@makotonosoP) June 19, 2014
▼ One for fans of Bananaman
ADIOSSPANAのおっさんをバナナマン日村にしたけど違和感なかった。 #ADIOSSPANAクソコラ選手権 #ADIOS_SPANAクソコラグランプリ #adiosespana #adios #日村 #バナナマン日村 pic.twitter.com/SayPze3tLr
— よっしー (@yo0715) June 19, 2014
#ADIOSSPANAクソコラ選手権 pic.twitter.com/ZStMVu2HY0
— レゴマイン (@LegoMain) June 18, 2014
#ADIOSSPANAクソコラ選手権 pic.twitter.com/424I1cYSrW
— た (@Bellceretaku) June 18, 2014
▼ And of course there are many many more to see jus… oh wait a minute.
#ADIOSSPANAクソコラ選手権 http://t.co/3uWPwgp4zb
— silence* 🤍❤🤍 (@silence_ast) June 18, 2014
Ah, well… we’re going to have to wait till Adios Ojisan gets back from the Genius Bar. Until then you can watch the Adios Spana Photoshop Championship live simply by searching the hashtag #ADIOSSPANAクソコラ選手権 on Twitter or click the link below if you’re too lazy to copy and paste. With that, let us leave you gentle readers with our own contribution to the games.
Adios everyone!
Source: Twitter – #ADIOSSPANAクソコラ選手権 via Netlab (Japanese)