Once you finally finish your years of study in high school and get into a good university, it’s party time! Or…do nothing time. Some people occupy their new-found free time with Netflix queues, watching the latest and greatest television shows and movies. Others take the opportunity to let their creative juices flow and make some really awesome things. One college senior in China decided that just watching super heroes on a screen was not enough, he figured he could become those heroes instead. How awesome would it be to punch the great evil known as homework when you look like Captain America?
Zu Binqun, an industrious college student in Changchun, Jilin, created a number of costumes based on some of our favorite heroes. How many? How about Batman, Thor, Captain America and two Iron Mans?
Perhaps this isn’t procrastination and is actual design homework, either way, this college student crafted these sets of armor while looking at statues of the characters he owned. Using what looks like foam as a medium, he was able to create incredibly detailed recreations of his favorite characters.
It’s hard to tell exactly how long these costumes took to build, but it’s pretty clear that a lot of care and effort went into making them.
So, what’s next for Zu? You can see Loki’s helmet in one of the pictures, so perhaps he isn’t limiting himself to just heroes. He might have run out of armored Avengers to make, but still aspires to create the whole Avenger’s line up. We can’t wait to see how he tackles Hawkeye and Hulk. And although it doesn’t appear in the first Avengers movie, might we suggest a Hulkbuster Iron Man costume to wear for the opening of the second movie next year?
We hope Zu Binqun has managed to find some time to finish his regular homework as well, although if he doesn’t graduate, he can probably find some work at a costuming studio in Hollywood.
Source: that’s
Images: China News