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Diamond Fuji: One of the most beautiful views of Japan’s iconic mountain

Jan 10, 2015


Every year at the end of December, something magical happens to Japan’s tallest mountain. As the sun descends in the sky bringing a close to another day, it meets with the summit of Mount Fuji for a few brief moments, making it appear as if the peak is topped with a glistening diamond. Thousands of people flock to vantage points around the area for a chance to see this special phenomenon, dubbed “Diamond Fuji.”

The perfect alignment of the sun over Mount Fuji only happens during the days around the winter solstice in December, making Diamond Fuji an especially rare spectacle. Thanks to the internet, we don’t even have to brave the biting chill of a Japanese winter to see this special sight. Check out just a few photos posted on Twitter this past December:

For an even better view of Diamond Fuji, check out the following timelapse video:

And if you’ve ever wanted to see this beautiful natural sight yourself, be sure to check out the following video created by Japanese vlogger Japanagos. Here, you’ll see a Diamond Fuji sunrise and learn exactly where to go to see it for yourself.

If you’re heading to Japan for the lights and sounds of the big cities, you might want to consider taking a break from the organized chaos and head to the hills. Japan’s countryside is filled with absolutely breathtaking natural wonders, and Diamond Fuji is just one of the many we highly recommend!

Source: The Huffington Post Japan
Featured image: Twitter (Hashimuki)

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