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Computer overheating? Japanese Twitter suggests using 10-yen coins to cool it off

Nov 5, 2015

cool computer 10 yen

We’ve all been there: you’ve been marathoning a TV series on your laptop, or maybe playing a game for way too long, and now your fans are going haywire and the whole computer is hot to the touch. What are you supposed to do? Put your viewing on hold and wait for your computer to cool? No way!

Thankfully one Japanese Twitter user has another solution: cover your computer in 10-yen coins. Read on to find out why this idea just might be crazy enough to work.

Here’s the tweet that has been blowing (and subsequently cooling down) Japanese netizens’ minds:

▼ “If anyone is having a problem with their MacBook Pro getting too hot and not cooling down, try using some 10-yen coins you have lying around the house. The copper in the yen is a better conductor of heat than the aluminum of the computer and is good for getting the heat out.”

It may sound a little strange and look even stranger, but apparently it works! Someone else gave it a try:

▼ “The temperature on mine went down too. Thanks!”

And someone else took the idea even further:

▼ “This significantly lowered the temperature. I think I might use it!”

Of course not everyone has a bunch of 10-yen coins lying around, or might find it a little awkward to be seen at the cafe or library placing yen all over their computer, so other options were suggested as well:

▼ “At my house I put my Mac on top of a fan that’s blowing upward to cool it off. It’s like the fan is a table lol.”

Well I don’t think putting your computer on top of a fan solves the awkward-in-public problem, but it’s certainly another option.

Who knows, in just a few months maybe having a laptop covered in yen will be the next big thing, and you can say you were doing it before it was (wait for it…) cool.

Source: Twitter/@akinori_suzuki via Togech
Featured/top image: Twitter/@akinori_suzuki

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