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Japanese train company slammed for ad branding women “undignified” for applying makeup on board

Oct 29, 2016


The new ad campaign addresses a variety of behaviours that should be avoided while travelling on trains, but so far, this is the only act that they’re calling indecent.

Back in 2008, the Tokyo Metro subway system made news for a series of eye-catching animated posters which asked customers to watch their manners while riding on their trains. Now, Tokyu Corporation, one of the city’s largest privately-run rail companies, is picking up where the subway system left off, by addressing some of the same topics covered in previous ads, with an all-new series of 30-second videos designed to improve passenger comfort and safety. So far, they’ve released four new videos, which cover the following issues: carrying backpacks so they don’t get in the way of other passengers, respecting orderly queues when boarding, smartphone use while walking, and applying makeup on the train. Out of all the advertisements, it’s this last one discussing makeup application that’s come under fire from people in Japan, with many taking offence to the fact that it says women who do it are “mittomonai” or undiginifed.

▼ Take a look at the new clip below.

The message the company wants to relay to its passengers is made abundantly clear at the beginning of the clip, with the makeup-free girl’s voice-over written out in Japanese over a series of images of women on the train.

▼ “City women are all beautiful…

▼ …but sometimes…

▼ …they’re undignified.”

▼ The clip ends with the message: “Please refrain from applying makeup on the train.”

The topic of makeup application on trains is a contentious issue in Japan, as women who are pressed for time can find themselves having to choose between a neat-looking complexion and being on time for work or an appointment. Despite messages from rail companies asking women to powder their noses in the privacy of their homes, for some busy women, it’s not always feasible, and their reaction to being called “undiginified” for applying makeup is currently making waves in Japan, with the following comments being reported.

“Why are they picking out makeup as the one thing that’s ‘undignified’?”
“What about people who cough and sneeze on the train without covering their mouths?”
“Manspreading is far more offensive.”
“Applying makeup is nothing compared to things like listening to loud music or eating on the train.”
“Why don’t they call out drunks on the train for being ‘undignified’?”

Despite complaints, the campaign posters and videos can still be seen on trains and at stations along Tokyu railway lines, with no comment or acknowledgement of complaints being made by the company.

While people are divided on the topic of makeup application in public spaces like trains, the strong wording used by Tokyu Corporation to get their point across is continuing to ruffle feathers online. With the company set to add more videos and posters to their campaign in January 2017, commuters are now waiting to see if any other behaviours or types of people on board will be branded “mittomonai” in the near future.

Source: Hachima Kikou via Excite News
Top image: YouTube/My Diary of TOKYU LINES
Insert images: YouTube/My Diary of TOKYU LINES

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