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Japanese son tells parents he wants to quit his job, they give the best possible response

Jul 18, 2020

Mom and Dad buck conventional Japanese wisdom when their kid says he’s had enough of his job.

In Japan, there’s a saying that commonly comes up if someone is talking about how they don’t like their job: “Toriaezu san nen.” Loosely translated, it means “Give it three years,” with the implication being that you shouldn’t quit any job until you’ve worked it for three years, so that your won’t end up with a resume that makes you look lazy, flighty, whiny, or otherwise undesirable to potential future employers.

That advice gets tossed especially frequently at people who only recently finished their education, often with the assumption that maybe they’re just dealing with the ordinary challenges of transitioning to working adulthood, and they’ll get into a more comfortable groove if they just stick with it. So when young people in Japan want to quit their job, they often have to mentally brace themselves for a “Toriaezu san nen”speech from Mom and Dad…but not Japanese Twitter user @chocoUSstocks.

@chocoUSstocks, a 22-year-old who’s in his first year as a working adult, recently decided he’d had enough of his job, and texted his parents on messaging app Line to let them know.

“Sorry. Can’t do this job anymore.”

It took less than a minute for Dad’s response to come in.

“What’s wrong!?”

▼ “Is it wearing you out!?”

And then, the kicker:

“Hurry up and quit and come on home!”

Mom’s reply wasn’t quite so quick, but apparently she needed the extra time to choose the best stamp for the situation.

“OK! Gotcha!”

“You don’t really know if something is for you or not until you’ve tried it, right? You’ve given it enough effort. Please give yourself some emotional rest.”

The speedy support from @chocoUSstocks’ parents warmed the hearts of other Twitter users and also had many nodding their heads at the necessity of protecting yourself from work-related stress.

“You have a wonderful, warmhearted family.”
“Your mom and dad are such good people. I’m also quitting my job [this month], and my parents have supported me, saying ‘It was a learning experience.’”
“I’ve recently fallen into depression from work, so I’m taking time off.”
“Taking care of your health comes first! Good luck, and take it easy.”

“My parents Line messages were a huge help,” @chocoUSstocks says, and he has indeed since quit his job and is now looking for work that’s more suited to his talents, goals, and personality. That might not fit with the old-fashioned “toriaezu san nen” philosophy, but he, and his parents, have shown they’re of the mind that if you’re hating every day at work, you don’t to wait through 1,095 of them before you start looking for something better.

Source: Twitter/@chocoUSstocks via IT Media
Top image: Pakutaso
Insert images: Twitter/@chocoUSstocks
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