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Can You Spot the Hidden Mickeys in this Traditional Japanese Helmet?

Mar 2, 2013

Disney Mickey Kabuto

It’s well known that within every Disney Park, small Mickeys are hidden throughout the grounds. If you look close enough, Mickey Mouse seems to be everywhere; on buildings, carpets, and even the vehicle speakers on Space Mountain.

But you would never expect Mickey to be hidden on a helmet used by ancient Japanese warriors and samurai. You also wouldn’t expect it to be made of silver and cost a staggering 250,000 yen (US $2,697).

This beautiful kabuto helmet was made by Ginza Tanaka Jewelry in celebration of the public holiday, Boys’ Day. Although now officially known as “Children’s Day” to include girls, Boys’ Day is a Japanese national holiday set aside to respect children’s personalities and to celebrate their happiness. During the days leading up to Boys’ Day, many department stores begin selling kabuto helmets for families to purchase. The kabuto is a symbol of a strong and healthy boy and is often displayed in the home to celebrate Boys’ Day. Usually families purchase modestly priced kabuto with which to decorate their home, but luxury kabuto like the Mickey Mouse version are also available.

In this case, luxury seems to be an understatement. This Disney kabuto is made of handcrafted silver and encased in glass. The hidden Mickeys are incorporated so well that they are nearly invisible at first glance. However, if you take a closer look, the familiar three-dot symbols appear.

▼  Can you spot the Mickeys? (Scroll down for the hidden locations)


Boy’s Day is celebrated on May 5, but the Mickey kabuto helmets go on sale March 1. At 250,000 yen (US $2,697), it’s a little pricey for the average family, but those of us who can’t afford it can still enjoy trying to spot the hidden Mickeys.

Source: IT Media (Japanese)

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