The long standing collaboration between Japan’s premier virtual pop star and ubiquitous convenience store continues this spring with the Hatsune Miku de Sakura no Uta campaign.
Unfortunately, the campaign has been having a bit of a rocky start with the sexually suggestive Sakura Style Strawberry Cream Bread. So now it’s time to bring out the heavy artillery: Family Mart’s second version of a Hatsune Miku-themed nikuman (steamed meat bun), Sakura Mikuman.
Some of you may recall that last summer Family Mart also released a nikuman in the image of the Hatsune’s alter-ego Hachune Miku. Although the idea was widely anticipated, the timing of a mid-summer release resulted in melted Mikus.
Nevertheless, the Hachune Miku Nikuman (ignoring the obvious pun) went on to sell 600,000 units in only 20 days.
Learning from this, Family Mart went with a cooler spring release, finally called it Mikuman, and made it adorable.
The concept isn’t perfect though since Mikuman isn’t nikuman. It’s anman which is a dumpling filled with anko rather than meat. Anko is a sweet azuki bean paste often used in Japanese confections.
As for the taste, it’s good, but really it tastes just like any other anman that’s available in supermarkets or convenience stores. Basically the inflated price of 160 yen (US$1.68) is for cuteness.
Like with the previous Miku Nikuman the elaborate design and colors give the eater heightened expectations of a taste delight. It ends up tasting good but no different from the plain old white buns.
Don’t worry though, if anman not your thing there’s still a slew of limited edition Hatsune Miku cakes, vegetable juices, alcohol, cookies, and more to try out at Family Mart this spring.
Source: Getgold (Japanese)
Images: RocketNews24
Hatsune Products Image: Family Mart