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Japan sets new world record for largest mailbox, now ready for your puny mail

Jul 18, 2013

A lot of world records are inherently silly. Sure, you could set a record for the most mascot characters dancing in sync, but why would you? Because you are Japan, that’s why! And now Nippon has grabbed another who-even-thinks-of-that world record: largest mailbox.

The mammoth mailbox stands in Ube City, Yamaguchi Prefecture, and was constructed largely by engineering students at the local university. The record is listed by capacity, and this mailbox can hold a whopping 68.484 cubic meters of letters, postcards and idol fan mail. It’s about 12 times the size of a standard Japanese mailbox and stands 7.181 meters (23 ft) tall.

For a limited time, you can actually post things using the giant mailbox, though one wonders how exactly you are supposed to reach the slot. In any event, before breaking out your trampoline, stilts, or ladder, be sure to mark your mail with the specially provided rubber stamp that says, “Mailed from the world’s largest mailbox!”

Oh, and in case you were wondering, Japan isn’t even the first country to hold this record. The previous leader was South Korea, where there is apparently a 63m³ mailbox.

Source and images: Netorabo

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