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Years of labor and millions of dollars finally yield amazing french fry vending machine

Nov 24, 2013


For many of the world’s greatest cuisines, there is a fine line separating a stellar example of a particular dish from a loathsome, gag-inducing failure. In the case of the humble french fry, that fine line is a few extra minutes from fryer to your eager food hole; let the fries sit for just a little too long and they transform before your eyes from hot, crunchy guilty pleasure to disgusting, squishy, limp waste of calories.

Apparently deeply affected by a soggy fry incident, the folks at China’s Beyondte Electronics Co., Ltd. set out to perfect a french fry vending machine that would produce hot, crunchy fries on the spot whenever you got a craving, eliminating the need to order them at your favorite fast food joint and carry them home and – a happy side effect – also eliminating the need to actually speak to another human being to get your fry fix.

▼ What the machine looks like on the inside. No fry vat, just wizardry.

Beyondte supposedly spent over a US$1 million and five years in R&D to develop this sophisticated, although boring-looking, french fry vending machine that fries the relatively harmless raw potato strips into the cholesterol wet dream you are familiar with right before your eyes.

If that weren’t miraculous enough, you can even choose your own condiments to increase your pleasure, as well as calories and feelings of self-loathing.

Should you be interested in purchasing a french fry vending machine for extra income, Beyondte recommends placing it in areas of high french fry demand, such as outside of high schools and colleges, near baseball stadiums, or next to your own desk at work.

▼ The finished product.

I’m off to check the books and see if RocketNews24 has any spare petty cash…

Source and Photos: Entabe

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