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Cookie Mail: The tastiest way to send an important message!

Dec 6, 2013


With all the different ways to stay in touch these days–from text messages to email to tweets to late night drunk dials-it often feels like we’re losing out on making real connections with people. At least, that’s what the grumpy TV pundits tell us, and maybe they’re right. After all, when was the last time you sat down and thought out a nice, sincere message, instead of just dashing off a quick “I C, LOL, KTHNXBAI, TTYL”?

Some of you may even be so young that you don’t remember getting letters in the mail!

Well, despite the grumblings of elder generations, that old form of communication is almost gone, but there is one last bastion of hope for all the letter writers out there: Cookie Mail!

No, we’re not talking about Cookie Monster’s new 128-bit encrypted email client (but you can believe we’d use it if it existed). We’re talking about a new online service that will send cookies with specialized messages to anyone you want–as long as they’re in Japan.

Cookie Mail, which officially started this month, accepts orders from anywhere in the world, but are currently only offering shipping inside of Japan. So don’t worry, dear readers, you can send us all the cookies you think we deserve. Like…all of them?

What, exactly, the service provides is an assortment of cookies with messages written on them. Like in the pictures below.

Currently, there are four cookie message types available: colored, arabesque, and two types of striped cookies. Each cookie has a letter or hiragana character printed on it, allowing customers to write personalized messages for recipients, which can be entered via their online store.

▼Happy New Year from RocketNews24!

Users can select messages of three lengths: 35, 70, or 105 characters/letters. Like a shorter, slower, more edible version of Twitter! Unfortunately, they’re not offering kanji right now, so you’ll probably want to avoid anything with too many homophones.

Of course, this isn’t a cheap service–the cute (and delicious looking) cookies come at a price. A set of 35 will cost 2,880 yen (about US$28), a set of 70 is 3,880 yen (around $38), and a set of 105 cookies is 4,880 yen (roughly $48). Fortunately, Cookie Mail says their snacks will last up to 120 days, so recipients will have plenty of time to enjoy their presents!

Right now, Cookie Mail has three types of cookies available: langue de chat (cat tongues), butter cookies, and soft chocolate cookies. There are also a variety of packaging options which will allow your thoughtful and tasty gifts to be displayed over the holidays, including a tasteful “Blue Antique” box and an adorable box targeting children.

▼If you insist on being boring…

▼For kids, or, really, anyone who loves cute.

Finally, if you’re worried about your touching message being forgotten once the cookies have been, um, deposited in a toilet, Cookie Mail also prints up a card with your message written inside. It’s not as tasty as cookies, we imagine, but the cards guarantee that people will have a lasting memento. And a reminder to return the favor sometime soon!

Cookie Mail is a new company, but we think they’re definitely on the right track. This has so many different potential uses: Asking someone on a date, saying thank you for Christmas presents, or even breaking up with someone! Hey, who could complain about getting broken up with if they get chocolate cookies? It’s better than a text message, right?

Hmm…you know, I bet the RocketNews24 team would appreciate a “Smartest Writing Team on the Internet” message. Now, where’s the boss’s credit card? I’m sure he’d want to send it to us right away!

Sources: Cookie Mail via ITMedia
Images: Cookie Mail

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