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Cowardly dogs unable to face their greatest enemy: Cats【Video】

Dec 16, 2013

2013.12.14 dog cats 1

In the important world of Internet hierarchy, the battle between cats and dogs for the title of cutest animal is a fierce one. But someone must have told the dogs that they are losing because there are some canines out there with some inferiority issues so severe that they become frozen with fear at the mere sight of a cat. Japanese netizens are feeling nothing but pity after seeing a video of dogs, many of whom are much larger than their feline foe, timidly trying to tip-toe past a scowling cat.

▼ “You shall not pass!”

No matter how big or small, each dog in the video has the same reaction when trying to pass the cat: pure, unadulterated fear. And the cats stare them down in a pose that makes it look like they will pounce at any second.

▼ “Oh hi, Doggie. Going down these stairs? Be my guest…”

Many Japanese netizens were disappointed at how cowardly the dogs acted despite being several times larger than the cats they were up against. Others wondered if there was more behind this video than just a simple pet vs. pet battle.

I’m not sure if it’s good or bad, but this really shows how pet dogs hate fighting. I doubt stray dogs would be so timid.

These dogs may look pitiful, but they must think they are very brave for facing their fear!

You may think the cats are the evil ones, but the dog’s owners are the meanies for scaring their dogs…

Take a look at the video below to see if the dogs can make it past the cat barrier, then let us know what you think in the comments below!

Video/Images: YouTube (DailyWits)
[ Read in Japanese ]

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