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This Rilakkuma-themed sofa is soft on your bottom, hard on your wallet

Jan 8, 2014

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Rilakkuma, whose name is a combination of the words “relax” and “kuma” (meaning bear in Japanese), is one of Japan’s more deserving popular characters. Created back in 2003, the lazy little bear with a zip on his back became an instant hit with a series of picture books and cuddly toys, and continues to be adored almost 10 years on–a feat that few cute-for-the-sake-of-it mascots besides Hello Kitty could ever boast.

Now, a furniture maker in Japan is offering Rilakkuma fans the chance to purchase an original order-made sofa based on their favourite po-faced bear. But with a price tag of almost US$2,000, their bank balances will have to be just as healthy as their love of all things cute and cuddly to afford it.

As well as featuring the famous bear’s face and coming in just the right shade of brown, the hand-made sofa boasts super-soft cushions and even squeezable ears.

The sofa’s makers, Fukuoka-based Okawa Kagu, began taking orders for the couch yesterday, and will continue to do so until January 26 or the first 10 orders are filled, aiming to deliver the finished sofas in February or March this year.

If you’re in the market for such a peculiar piece of furniture, however, we hope you got plenty of new year’s money from members of your family: this cute little couch retails for a whopping 197,400 yen (US$1,890). Granted, good quality furniture never comes cheap, but for what is essentially a novelty item and something that is likely to outstay its welcome at some point in the future, you’d have to be a pretty hardcore Rilakkuma fan to justify the purchase.

Source: San-X Net Shop via IT Media

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