In an interview with Saikyo Jump magazine, Akira Toriyama, the creator of long-running anime epic Dragon Ball, dropped some hints on a possible new movie. As well as revealing some titbits of info about Goku’s mother, the artist shared his hopes for a future animated feature, saying that he personally would like to see none other than Goku’s eternal rival Vegeta as the main character in a new Dragon Ball flick!!
As of yet there’s been no confirmation on whether any such new movie will ever see the light of day, and Toriyama himself stresses that ‘nothing has been decided’. However, the Dragon Ball franchise has shown no sign of letting up just yet, and after Toriyama’s involvement in 2013’s super successful Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods perhaps his dreams will be more than just wishful thinking.
Goku may be the central pillar around whose trials and tribulations the story revolves, but Vegeta also has his fair share of fans. And in this cynical age, who doesn’t love an antihero?
Japanese netizens’ reactions were mixed, as could only be expected when it comes to talk of putting a new twist on an old favourite.
I thought I was done with Dragon Ball, but if Vegeta was the main character I’d watch it! lolol
It’s a kids anime; they can’t have a bad guy as the protagonist.
I thought Toriyama didn’t really like Vegeta?
I wanna see Mr. Satan as the main character!
Will Toriyama-sensei’s throwaway comments amount to something tangible in the future? Watch this space!
▼ Pages from the interview in Saikyo Jump.
Read the fully translated interview over at Kanzenshuu.
Source: Yaraon
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