We’ve covered the strange world of gachapon toys on this site before. They are those vending machines that spit out an item in a plastic egg, and any bank of gachapon machines in Japan is sure to have a few bizarre offerings. Twitter user @dradon3 recently spotted this mystifying toy depicting the Statue of Liberty feeling free enough to let it all hang out. Says the ad copy, “Be free from all restraints that bind you.”
The various poses of the Lady (Taking a) Liberty, clockwise from the top:
– The Temptress Lady
– The Bridge Lady
– The Three-fingered Bow Lady (center)
– The Reclining Lady
– The Jamming Lady
– The Shy Lady
It’s not really clear why these toys would be on sale in Japan, but according to the poster, Lady Liberty walked all the way from America, so it must have been important to her.
Source and images: My Game News Flash