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Japanese Naruto fans to get every episode, issue for free via new iPhone/Android app

Nov 10, 2014

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Even if you’re not an anime fan, you’ve no doubt heard that the hugely popular ninja series Naruto has finally reached its climax after more than 15 years. It’s never fun when a beloved show or serial comes to an end, and fans are often left searching for something new to fill the void in their lives that opens up when they do, but when you have a back-catalogue as rich and extensive as Naruto‘s, revisiting older instalments is sure to provide hours, if not weeks of pleasure.

Which, it seems, it precisely what Naruto‘s publisher is hoping both diehard fans and latecomers alike will do next, and is providing them with free issues of the manga and anime episodes direct to their smartphones via a brand new app for iOS and Android.

Already up on Google Play and iTunes, publisher Shueisha’s Naruto Muryou Manga Rensai & Anime Housou Koushiki Apuri (Naruto Free Manga Serial & Anime Broadcasting Official App) promises to deliver free episodes of the original 220-episode anime series every Monday and Thursday direct to users’ phones and tablets, allowing them to go right back to the show’s humble beginnings and experience it all over again. Between broadcasts, users can also download one free issue of the manga series per day as well as receive a bevy of Naruto-related news and offers for (paid) content, so there really is no reason why the ninja fun has to end just yet.

Sadly, the application currently appears to be available in Japan only, so short of sending Shueisha thousands of letters begging for a localised version (or perhaps accessing the store via VPN?), fans outside of Japan will have to make do with their existing collection.

For those of you who are able to get at it, the application is currently available to download for free via iTunes and Google Play. If you do download it, be sure to let us know what you think in the comments section below!

Source: Kinisoku
Screenshots via Google Play

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