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Now you can decorate anything with gyoza with the new tape from DecoRush!

Jan 11, 2015


DecoRush is a series of decoration tape that looks like correction tape, except instead of white-out, you’d usually get cute flowery patterns or Disney characters on them. Very appropriate for increasing the girl power on your love letters or secret diary. However, DecoRush’s latest release had netizens baffled because really, when are you ever going to send someone a birthday card with colorful borders of…gyoza?

That said, it didn’t stop one Twitter user from purchasing this strange collaboration between DecoRush and Gyoza no Osho, something akin to a Chinese fast food restaurant chain in Japan.

After buying the tape and trying it out, the Twitter user mused upon his own purchase,

“I bought the ‘Gyoza no Osho’ decoration tape that gives you endless gyoza. But the odd design can be used for nothing other than producing endless gyoza on paper.”

Well, to give the tape some credit, it also has the logo of the restaurant along with the slogan “2 million gyoza a day” which the chain used in a commercial, claiming it to be the number of deliciously oily dumplings they sell every day. Other netizens were quick to chime in:

“I pondered for three seconds if it would taste like gyoza when I lick it, but didn’t buy it.”

“Let’s use it at Osaka Osho.” (a rival gyoza and Chinese food chain)

“I can smell the garlic.”

“I hate to admit it but I kind of want it.”

To be honest, I had to agree with the last comment because as a steadfast fan of Gyoza no Osho who was extremely frustrated when rival Osaka Osho opened a chain in my home country, I actually went to Amazon to see if I could grab one of these. Unfortunately, though, they are all out of stock, so clearly there’s plenty of demand for the tape!

I also discovered that they had a second, equally useless design featuring other dishes served at the restaurant.

▼ Isn’t it so scrumptious-looking?

▼ Chuuka Banzai!

▼ And this is how they suggest you’d use it…very useful isn’t it?

I, for one, am getting myself one of these when they come back in stock so that I can, er, roll it over my diary every time I eat gyoza.

Source/Images: Twitter, h/t Hamusoku, Amazon

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