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We check out the new Samurai Star Wars figurines from Bandai and Tamashii Nations【Pics】

Sep 14, 2015


Ever since we heard about the upcoming release of the new Samurai Darth Vader figurine, we’ve been eager to check out the Movie Realisation Series in person. The series includes Boba Fett, Stormtroopers and the Imperial Royal Guard, all dressed as Japanese feudal warriors and brandishing a mix of Japanese, western, and Star Wars-styled weapons.

We’d seen the photos and read the rave reviews but nothing could prepare us for meeting the unique cast of collectibles in person. Come with us as we take you through all the details and close-up photos from our visit!

The brainchild behind the series is modeller Takayuki Takeya, from Japan’s legendary toy-making company Bandai, who came up with the idea of turning well-known Star Wars characters into Japanese samurai warriors.

While there are six figures in total, only two have been released for sale: Samurai General Darth Vader and the Ashigaru Stormtrooper (pictured middle and left, above). The upcoming Death Star Samurai Darth Vader is being kept heavily under wraps ahead of its December release so today we’re going to introduce you to the cast of five, including three that are yet to be released to the general public!

▼ From left to right: Samurai General Darth Vader, Ashigaru Stormtrooper, Teppo Ashigaru Stormtrooper, Ronin Boba Fett and the Imperial Royal Guard.

▼ Samurai General Darth Vader retails for 9,504 yen (US$78.78). He has an imposing presence and is decked out with the emblem of the Galactic empire on his helmet and both a Japanese-style lightsaber and a bladeless lightsaber at his waist.

▼ He comes with various wrist attachments, which allow him to either hold the saber with both hands or manipulate the power of the Dark Side of the Force.

▼ The Ashigaru (foot soldier) Stormtrooper retails for 8,424 yen ($69.82). He features an impressive display of sode shoulder armour and kote armoured sleeves

▼ He comes with both a flintlock-style gun and a traditional Japanese katana sword, complete with scabbard.

▼ The Imperial crest of the Galactic Empire appears on his waist.

▼ Ronin Boba Fett will be released in November for 9,504 yen (US$78.78). We love that they’ve recreated the fearless bounty hunter as a ronin, the masterless samurai!

▼ The Mandalorian warrior is armed with a traditional Japanese katana blade, a removable backpack missile, an assortment of small blades, a flintlock-style blaster, and four interchangeable hands.

▼ This was absolutely beautiful in person! From the colour of his armour to the figure’s extreme poseability, this one is definitely on our ever-growing Christmas wish-list!

▼ Next up, we have the Teppo (gun) Ashigaru Stormtrooper, which goes on sale in February 2016 for 8,856 yen ($73.40).

▼ He comes equipped with two hefty-looking gun powder-type rifles, a Japanese katana blade and a backpack. He also has six interchangeable hands.

▼ This is the most steampunk-looking pack we’ve ever seen!

▼ Finally, we have the Imperial Royal Guard, known in Japan as the Akazone Royal Guard, which goes on sale from April 2016 for 8,856 yen ($73.40).

▼ It will include a staff, interchangeable hands, a Japanese sword and a removable cloak, which will allow for displays of the brilliant red armour and the detailed chestplates featuring the Empire’s insignia.

▼ The Akazone Royal Guard actually draws inspiration from an elite group of Japanese warriors known as the Akazone Samurai, who dyed their armour with red lacquer.

The figures are currently on display at the Tamashii Nations Akiba Showroom, located in the East-West Passageway at JR Akihabara Station.

Be sure to stop by and check out their huge variety of figures from all sorts of well-known manga, anime and films!

Exhibit info:
Tamashii Nations Akiba Showroom
JR Akihabara Station, East-West passageway
Open hours: 12pm-8pm (Weekdays), 10am-8pm (Weekends & Public holidays)

All photos © RocketNews24

Prefer your photos will a little more tension? Here’s a needlessly dramatic video we made. (Well, it’s not every day you get to use Star Wars-style scrolling titles, is it?)

[ Read in Japanese ]

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