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Catalogue featuring only “ugly” hair models helps us feel less awkward at the salon

Oct 27, 2015

Hands up everyone who hates getting a hair cut! The awkward small talk; the staring at your own mush in a mirror for an hour or more; feeling the need to pretend you love your finished cut even when you’re actually going to put a hat on the second you leave the salon—it’s all too much to bear sometimes.

While some people manage to have fun at the salon, others find it difficult simply communicating to their stylist the look they want. Sure, you could just take a cutout from a magazine with you, but what if the person in the photo is so much better-looking than you are? Cringe!

Luckily, the “Busa hair” (lit. “ugly hair”) catalogue—which features only less-than-good-looking hair models—is here to save you some embarrassment the next time you go for a trim!

Apparently, the issue of feeling embarrassed to ask for the same hairstyle as a very attractive model in a catalogue has become so prevalent in Japan that a demand has arisen for a catalogue of “ugly” models with fabulous hair that you can safely attempt to imitate without effectively having to ask your stylist to make you look like the girl on the cover of Vogue magazine. Because humility is a virtue we all appreciate, amiright?

Taking a look at some of these models, however, I have to say that they don’t exactly strike us as ugly, per se; more ‘humble’ or perfectly average-looking. But then, I suppose that’s perfect for those who find hot models unspeakably intimidating, even in printed form.

While some of the poses these models strike look a little tongue-in-cheek, you can rest assured that all of the people here have been groomed by stylists and are demonstrating some of the current hottest cuts.

Personally, we’d probably be a little more embarrassed taking along a picture of one of these goofily posing models than just snipping one out of a magazine. But then again, our RocketNews 24 writers are all model-quality to begin with, and don’t seem to share the same level of shame which cripples those less blessed with outer beauty.

Source and images: Busa Hair
[ Read in Japanese ]

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