Eighteen years after making its serial debut in the Weekly Shōnen Jump Magazine, Eiichiro Oda’s internationally popular manga/anime franchise One Piece is still going strong, even being turned into a Kabuki performance this year.
Well, with the Holiday Season approaching, it seems One Piece fans will have a huge treat to look forward to just in time for Christmas. Yes, a brand new feature-length One Piece anime will air on TV next month, and details have just recently been released. The anime, titled One Piece — Adventure of Nebulandia, will be broadcast on Japanese national TV on December 19, and fans should be thrilled to see some familiar enemies from the past!
(Note: The rest of the article does provide background information on the new anime, so if you want to know absolutely nothing about it before you have the chance to see it, you may want to exercise caution before reading on.)
So, who’s coming back from a previous story line? Well, remember the Foxy Pirates—the group of pirates led by Foxy that was beaten by Luffy’s Straw Hat gang at the sinister game of “Davy Back Fight”? Well, apparently they haven’t forgotten the humiliation of their defeat, and after reaching the treacherous waters of the “New World”, they’ve been waiting for their chance to take their revenge on the Straw Hat Pirates.
They’ve now even added a few powerful new members to their gang, and with their reinforced forces, manage to trick and capture some members of Luffy’s crew. Luffy and his team set off to rescue their crewmates and find themselves on a mysterious, fog-filled island that appears to have certain dark powers of its own … and thus the adventure begins!
What fate awaits the Straw Hat Pirates, and how will they stand up to the Foxy gang on this ominous island? You can bet fans will be eagerly awaiting to see how this original, made-for-TV story plays out!
If you’re in Japan, the anime will air from 9 pm to 11:10 pm on December 19 on Fuji TV Network. Those of you who are able to see it, we hope you enjoy the usual fun camaraderie within the team, the awesome pirate action, and of course, the excitement of seeing the familiar characters in a whole new story!
Source: Cinema Today via My Game News Flash @ Jin
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