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Playing games while lying down a pain in the neck? Try this new Wearable HDMI Monitor!【Pics】

Feb 18, 2016

hdmi mask 03

For those of us who don’t want a little thing like sleep getting in the way of our gaming.

If there’s one problem that has plagued humanity for the past, well, decade or so, it’s the lack of comfortable positions to consume digital media in. Lying down while playing video games never works out, and there is absolutely nothing worse than having to hold your smartphone in front of your face to watch a movie.

But fear not fellow consumers, our brief time period of mild discomfort ends now, thanks to the Wearable HDMI Monitor!

▼ “Aw yes! Now I can watch business people
shoot fireballs at each other from my bed!”

▼ You can hook up the Wearable HDMI Monitor to your computer…

▼ Any HDMI-capable game system…

▼ And even your smartphone. If you play your cards right, you will never have to leave your bed or look at the world around you ever again! Score!

▼ For those worried that they won’t be getting the same field of vision when using the wearable monitor, fear not!

▼ The duel-eye system creates the illusion of viewing an 80-inch screen
from three meters (10ft) away.

▼ The monitor is built with comfort in mind, allowing plenty of space and padding so that the wearer can even watch with glasses on no problem.

▼ The “eyes” also glow three different colors: Alien Green (while in use), Ominous Yellow (while in use and charging) and Killbot Red (while charging).

▼ He appears to be typing some sort of message…. “Please send help… the mask is controlling me….” I think he likes it!

All jokes aside though, if you constantly find yourself in uncomfortable positions while trying to watch movies or play games, then the Wearable HDMI Monitor might be exactly what you’re looking for. There are no reports yet about it leaving love-marks on your face like other similar products, and it’s not absurdly expensive either.

The Wearable HDMI Monitor is currently available to buy from Japanese online shop Thanko for 19,800 yen (US$172), but there’s only a limited quantity available, so you may want to get yours before the rest of the world becomes enslaved entranced by them!

Source: Thanko via Hachima Kikou
Images: Thanko

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