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Fashion brand niitu leaves us stunned with Shinto shrine photoshoot

Apr 22, 2016


It’s absolutely divine!

When it comes to fashion, there is no shortage of weird-yet-wonderful designs to be found around the world. And Japan is no different, with plenty of unique takes on clothing, from the fancy to the everyday. Of course, one way Japanese fashion brands have set themselves apart is in their use of traditional styles and imagery, but one company has taken things a step further, attracting a bit of attention online with images from a photoshoot at Tokyo’s Asagaya Shinmeigu Shrine.

▼ She doesn’t look like any miko we’ve ever seen!

▼ The shrine priests probably aren’t going to enjoy her take on “Entenraku.”

The clothing featured in theses photos was designed by the Niitsu brothers, who apparently base their ideas on pictures books they create themselves. The theme for this lineup, which is intended for the 2016 autumn/winter season, is “Hey, God, listen…”, which explains the location of their photoshoot.

▼ But not the guitar…

While the clothing doesn’t seem to have a direct connection to Shinto fashion to us, we do have to admit that these items all look really comfortable. We’re not sure if they’re necessary fit for a deity, but we are definitely wondering if we can pull off whatever this look is called.

▼ Frumpy construction worker chic, perhaps?

▼ These two ensembles would be suitable for mysterious Final Fantasy characters.

▼ With all these layers, it’s sure to be a warm winter!

▼ Though we think the hoods might be on the wrong side here…

It doesn’t look like most of the items in this collection are actually available yet on the niitu webstore, though you can find pieces from previous collections. The hoodies currently available cost between 24,000 (about US$218) and 29,000 yen (about $264), but considering how big they are, you’re basically getting two in one!

But now we’re a bit worried — if fashion designers are already revealing their lineups for the autumn/winter season, does that mean it’s too late for us to start shopping for summer? We hope not or it’ll mean we’ll spend another summer out-classed by our own water bottles.

Source: Japaaan, niitu
Images: niitu

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