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Japanese cosplayers show off amazing accessories made using goods from 100 yen stores

Mar 11, 2017

Cosplay accessories that are easy on both the wallet and the eyes.

Japanese 100 yen stores are known for putting similar “dollar stores” in the rest of the world to shame. Whereas dollar stores in the U.S. are often nothing but the leftovers that didn’t sell at other shops, Japanese 100 yen stores have everything from quality travel goods to surprisingly-delicious wine to Nintendo Switch accessories.

And when it comes to cosplay, Japanese cosplayers can take advantage of the 100 yen stores’ wide selection and create some incredible costume accessories for very cheap.

Recently the  hashtag #HyakkinGuzzuMachigattaTsukaikataSenshuken (“championship for the best ‘wrong’ use of 100 yen store goods”) got quite a bit of attention on Japanese Twitter, and some talented and creative cosplayers showed off their work. Here’s a sampling of some of the ones we liked best: (click pictures to enlarge)

▼ A black ball and chain made out of some 100 yen
plastic links and a “spiked” bouncy ball.

▼ Scales made by painting 100 yen nails with 100 yen
nail polish and fastening them together with 100 yen glue.

▼ A visor and circular box come together for a giant hat.
But we need to know… did the owl come from the 100 yen store too?!

▼ The touch light on her head is a 100 yen touch light with
cellophane inside, covered in 100 yen nail polish and rhinestones.

▼ One of my favorites, made out of some
100 yen hose and party crackers.

▼ A sword forged from a cookie cutter and insect-repellent tape.

▼ Why buy real arrows when you can just
decorate some 100 yen cooking chopsticks?

▼ This masquerade mask looks fancy enough for the real deal,
even though it’s only made out of a plastic golf club and paper mask.

▼ All it takes is a 100 yen towel hanger, some Styrofoam,
clay, and you too can be a dark magician girl.

▼ This one isn’t technically cosplay, but it has to be the most
inventive use of a 100 yen spray bottle I’ve ever seen.

There are so many others we couldn’t possibly share them all, so if you want to see more then check out the Japanese hashtag on Twitter. All of these artists are so inspiring, they put our 100 yen store cosplay attempt to shame.

Source: Togech
Featured image: Twitter/keitaugo

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