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Our Gluttonous Reporter Mr. Sato Devours a 65-Strawberry Parfait Tower!

Feb 4, 2013


From 18 January 2013,  Japanese sweet specialist Cozy Corner released a dessert that will leave anyone with even a slightly sweet tooth wiping the drool from their lips and exclaiming, “I’m witnessing a dessert revolution!” Just what type of dessert could we be talking about? None other than a gigantic 65-piece strawberry parfait weighing in at, wait for it, a shocking 2,000 kilocalories! Shortly after hearing this announcement, our reporter Mr. Sato carried himself off to the establishment in question to see what all the fuss was about.

Hey, where’s my order?! 

Due to the dessert’s sheer volume and the skill that goes into creating a 2,000-kilocalorie tower of strawberry bliss, you’ll find yourself waiting about half an hour for your order. “Half an hour!?” I hear you cry, but just remember, this is all created from scratch and the result is quite something!

It seems that piling up 65 strawberries isn’t always ‘a piece of cake’!

There will be the odd occasion when the piling up of 65 strawberries doesn’t always go according to plan. When this happens, the parfait brought to your table will be accompanied by an extra plate. Even if balancing all of the strawberries doesn’t work out, this sweet specialist guarantees that you still get all your 65 pieces of juicy fruit.

First impressions

The strawberries are all placed so delicately in the fresh cream so as to create not only an aesthetic look but provide this giant tower with stability. The pure contrast of red on white is quite something and provides an almost fantasy-like scene of  exotic crimson red jewels shining in a bed of white snow.

Not doing things by half, in order to seriously psyche himself up for the experience and get his yen’s worth, Mr. Sato put his conventional eating habits on hold for several days before the event by going on a strict snow-only diet. Finally, all this painstaking effort had paid off, and without further ado our reporter began stuffing  his mouth with this red-and-white delight like there was no tomorrow. The sugar rush went straight to his brain and threw him into a state of ecstasy as he exclaimed, “This is an absolute treat! Doesn’t matter how big it is, I could eat a thousand of these things!”

Appearances are only as deep as the bed of cream!

From the outside, it looked like this king of parfaits was made up completely of fresh cream and strawberries. Nevertheless, a base of cream alone would surely be a little hazardous to our reporter’s health. Delving inside, Mr. Sato was pleasantly surprised to find two mouth-watering cream puffs lying in wait! There was just too much of a taste bud explosion going on here. If the cream puffs weren’t enough, there was also the sour juice from the strawberries running into the cream, creating a truly fruity, tropical sensation . “Absolutely delicious”, he found himself repeating over and over again. Whether all this taste bud titillation affected his brain remains unclear, however immediately afterwards, he followed all this treat up with a Japanese style curry and rice before taking himself off home.

[ Read in Japanese ]

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