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Hands-free burger holder frees hands to put even more food in your mouth

Jul 5, 2013

A few days ago, we designed and field tested a shoulder-mounted, hands-free burger holding device that allowed our gluttonous Mr. Sato to eat one of his beloved burgers without missing a Tweet. Then he wondered if his free hands might allow him to indulge his other passion… Get your mind out of the gutter! We mean noodles!

Read on for the results of our experiment and instructions on how to try it yourself.

So if you are going to attempt this feat of feasting, the first thing you have to think about is, obviously, the burger. I mean that’s the whole point of having a hands-free burger holder, amirite?! So, get your hamburger loaded and the holder adjusted for maximum nomming.

The next important point is how you slurp up your noodles. Because of the position of the holder, it’s difficult to move your chopsticks smoothly into your mouth. Therefore, it is necessary to get the noodles as close to your mouth as possible and then slurp like you’ve never slurped before to inhale those slippery little devils.

Now, if you’ve followed those two steps, you should be experiencing what our subject called “the sumptuous pleasure when noodles and hamburger meet in your mouth.”

There is one remaining point of caution, however (other than the obvious one of chocking on a piece of hamburger when trying to inhale your noodles). It is unfortunately difficult to drink the noodle broth while wearing the hands-free burger holder. The possibility of lap burns is high, so exercise caution.

In conclusion, our device without a doubt expands the possibilities for meal times. With your hands freed from the necessity of holding your burger, what other taste combinations might now be achievable? This invention is clearly going to be a money maker.

Scroll down for step-by-step instructions with photos!

▼ Our prize invention

▼ a sumptuous flavor combination

▼ Be sure to properly position your hamburger so that it protrudes enough to easily bite.

▼ Be careful that it doesn’t protrude too far, or it might fall.

▼ This image gives you a sense of the distance between cup and mouth. It is necessary to extend your neck quite a bit to reach it.

▼ Doesn’t he kind of look like Turvage from the Cobra comics?

▼ The moment of truth…

▼ It’s almost like the burger is leaping into your open mouth.

▼ And now for the noodles…

▼ Notice the fine neck-extension technique

▼ Keep your eyes on the noodles as you slurp.

▼ Get right back to your burger!

▼ You may need to press down on the device a bit to get the broth to your mouth.

Photos: RocketNews24
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