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Shiba Inu bring the cute and cuddly, leave us all wanting a snuggle

Oct 3, 2013


The Internet may be ruled by cats, but they better not get too comfy sitting there on our warm monitors scowling at our pitiful hamburgers. The doggies seem to be a staging a cuteness coup, with Japan’s own Shiba Inu leading the assault! And to prove just how cute these little guys are, here are 34 of the best shiba pictures on the Internet!

Though not particularly large dogs, shibas still have giant personalities, as you’ll see in the adorable photos below. And while they may not have the most amusing of eyebrows, they’re still sure to leave you smiling–perfect to help you get to the end of the week!

▼ This picture was posted with the caption, “Mine is the cutest!”
Maybe…but there’s some fierce competition out there!

▼ Summer may be over, but who can say no to kakigori?

▼ “Haha! I don’t know how I got in here and, no, I’m not going on a diet!”

▼ Aloof doggie will have none of your crap!

▼ And this is exactly why the diet isn’t working.


▼ As one Japanese commenter wrote, “Looks like the Shiba Inu and the tanuki are getting along great!

▼ Clorets: For pups with a discerning palette.

▼ Dogs may be man’s best friend, but man is a dog’s best scratching pole.

▼ To paraphrase the numerous Japanese comments on this photo:

▼ He’s either thinking really hard about chasing cars or distracted by the cat.

▼ “Unpaw me! Unpaw me this…oh, nevermind, I’ll just take a nap.”

▼ In about two seconds this doggie is going to learn about the dangers of dancing with your eyes closed.

▼ “Ha-ha. This is so funny….I hate my owner.”

▼ “He has the eyes of a wild beast!” wrote one Japanese commenter.
“Hey, stop that!” added another.
We’re just hoping that’s not blood at the bottom of the picture!

▼ If you ever wondered just how mature Japanese Internet users are, this next comment should make things crystal clear: “TESTICLES!”

▼ “Shhhhh…I think I heard her grab the leash!”

▼ ”Bet you think you’re cute, don’t you? Well, just you wait until you’re asleep.
Then I’m going to crawl in bed and vomit all over your sheets.”

▼ Only one of these doggies knows they’re at the vets office. Can you guess which one?

▼ “The corgi in the background is all like ‘Wuuuuut?’ Hahah!” one Japanese Internet user wrote.

▼ Oh my! If that isn’t the cutest pair of butts we’ve ever seen!

▼ “He’s just way too handsome!” wrote one Japanese netizen.
“He looks too formal to even let out a whimper,” added another.

▼ He’s either sleeping or bowing before the King Dog.

▼ “Mom! I’m trying to sleep!”

▼ Here’s Ichiro, the famous major league Japanese baseball player,
and his pet shiba, Ikkyu. If this isn’t the cutest picture you see all day,
I don’t want to know what sites you’ve been reading!

▼ “And then the human was all like, ‘OMG! Who pooped in my shoes?’ Lololol!”

▼ When life gives you a basket…pick it up and carry it somewhere.

▼ This photo was particularly famous this summer.
The text explains that it was record-breaking heat at 45 degrees Celsius, or 113 Fahrenheit.
Or, in dog temperatures, too damn hot!

▼ The best way to spend your free time? Sleeping!

▼ Silly Shiba Inu, you’re not a hedgehog!

▼ I think we all know how this little guy feels today.

▼ “IT’S SO FLUFFY AND CUTE!” one Japanese commenters wrote.

▼ “Wait, is he escaping on his own??” A Japanese netizen wondered, with images of Shawshank Redemption dancing his head.

▼ Here’s a shiba hard at work, ready to sell you all the cigarettes you may need!

And, finally, here’s the most patient dog we’ve ever seen!

We hope you enjoyed these adorable puppies as much as we did! There’s just something relaxing about this breed. As one commenter wrote, “This has to be the warmest and fuzziest thread I’ve seen all day!”

Source: Himasoku
Images: Himasoku

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