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Snacks turned into art — these impressive visual creations are all made from food!

Jun 16, 2014

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Now, we’re aware that we here at RocketNews24 have maybe just a tiny bit of weakness for tasty treats (or is it just me?) and we’ve featured many edible works of art on our site, from magnificent Kirby tarts to adorable cat-shaped sweets, but we have to say this particular work has certainly impressed us with its unique simplicity. Who would have thought that a good ol’ Oreo cookie could be changed into an artistic presentation with a few scrapes of the hand (albeit some very skillful scrapes)? And if you’re familiar with Japanese ukiiyo-e block prints, you may have the feeling that you’ve seen the image created with the cream somewhere before. Yes, this actually is a surprisingly expert recreation of the famous ukiyo-e print by Hokusai Katsushika titled the Great Wave off Kanagawa, or sometimes referred to simply as The Wave, and  once you compare it to the painting, we think you’ll agree that the execution really is quite superb!

▼This is the print by Hokusai the Oreo creation was based on. A masterpiece indeed!

▼Here are the two images side by side. The wave really is beautifully recreated!

The Oreo Wave is just one of the many creations by Tisha Cherry, who is a nurse as well as a talented food artist. Her works, which have been shared on her Instagram account, have gained so much attention that she has even been dubbed an “Instagram sensation“. Below are some of her other pieces of work made from food:

▼Here’s another world-famous masterpiece created from an Oreo. It’s cookies ‘n cream Mona Lisa!

▼Here’s a lovely panda crafted out of black sesame seeds.

▼Sailor Moon also makes an appearance in Cherry’s collection of works. 

▼ The Simpsons look great recreated with pieces of fruit!

▼Ahh … Marylin looks gorgeous whatever form she takes. 

▼And here’s one for all of you fashionistas out there!

▼You can’t have hot dog without mustard, right?

▼Chewbacca, the wookiee from Star Wars, also cuts a dashing figure in cookies and cream. 

▼How about the legendary Bob Marley created from beef and barley?

▼And animals are always adorable, even when they’re drawn with chocolate sauce, aren’t they? 

So, what did you think of the unique pieces of food art? We’ve all been scolded at one time or another not to play with our food, I’m sure, but this might be one instance where that doesn’t apply, seeing as it’s produced such interesting works of art. If you’re interested, you can see more of Cherry’s creations on her Instagram account. We, for one, certainly look forward to seeing more brilliant pieces from her, because as far as we’re concerned, food and art always make a brilliant combination!

Source: Instagram (Tisha Cherry) via Japaaan magazine (Japanese), First We Feast
Photo of Hokusai’s Great Wave: Wikipedia (The Great Wave off Kanagawa)
All other photos: Instagram (Tisha Cherry)

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